Terms and Conditions
Capri Mouldings is committed to protecting the privacy of visitors and customers.This privacy policy sets out how we use and protect any information that you give us when you visit this website.
Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using this website, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement.
Capri Mouldings may change this policy from time to time by updating this page.
You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes.
This policy is effective from 21 January 2020.
We may collect the following information:
A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer’s hard drive. Once you agree, the file is added and the cookie helps analyse web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular site. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. The web application can tailor it’s operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences.We use cookies to collect visitor information, page visits and product information. This helps to give visitors a better experience.
We also use a third party service (Google Analytics) to gather visitor information such as geographical location and browser information. Google’s privacy policy can be found here: https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/
Customer details
Contact information including email address, demographic information such as address and postcode and telephone number plus information only relevant to customer purchases.What we do with the information we gather
We only use your information to process any orders made by yourself. We will never sell your information to any third parties or marketing companies.Email marketing
We may use the information to improve our products and services. We may periodically send promotional emails about new products, special offers or other information which we think you may find interesting using the email address which you have provided. From time to time, we may also use your information to contact you for market research purposes.We may contact you by telephone or email if we need to for processing any orders.
What we do with your information
We only use your personal information for processing orders and do not sell customer information to any marketing companies. We will pass your information such as name, address, email and phone number only to our couriers to be used for delivery purposes only.Below is a list of couriers we work with and links to their privacy policies.
Links to other websites
Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.Requesting information
Under the Data Protection Act 1998, you have the right to see the personal data we hold about you.This is called a Subject Access Request.
If you would like a copy of the personal data we hold about you, please write to:
Data Protection Officer, Capri Mouldings,45 Padgets Lane, Redditch. B98 0RD You can also email us at info@caprimouldings.com
The law allows us to charge an administration fee of £10. If requesting this by post please send a cash or postal order for £10 and include it in your request.
We want to make sure that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and up to date. If any of the details are incorrect, please let us know and we will amend them.
You can also request that we delete and completely remove your information from our records.